Weather Wheel- 4th grade

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Os alunos do Pré Escolar ouviram esta história e adoraram.Depois fizeram alguns trabalhos colectivos e individuais que também podes fazer com os teus alunos. Experimenta!

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Three Little Pigs

Podes contar esta história usando as imagens deste site:
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Pumpkin Carving Contest!

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Dressing up Santa Claus

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Nursery Rhyme- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Pré)

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Sing with us!

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Autumn (1st grade)

Song: Leaf
In the Autumn
The wind is so strong,
A leaf on a tree
Sings a song:

“Goodbye tree
Goodbye tree,
I´m falling down
And now I´m free.”

Luís Matos
Retirado do livro Inglês Fundamental em 26 Canções, ECM

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